Wednesday 22 July 2015

Annoying Orange Made a TV Show?

Yes, they made a TV show! Titled 'The high Fructose Adventures of Annoying Orange', it was a live action show for Cartoon Network, which aired for 2 seasons, with 30 episodes each until it was canceled (Thankfully, I wonder why! I'll never let any kid of America watch something like that or I can't imagine that). Not only that, they burned it onto DVD and are selling them in the store. That's one way to really add something to the market. I don't know what else I can say about it. I try not to put crap onto my blog and whatever, but they really hit the shock factor just seeing that a DVD is out there. I didn't buy this nor wouldn't purchase it. I did purchase all three Fred movies previous that was worth this, but this... no way!

Worst Pitch and Product Ever on Dragon's Den!

This really made me laugh! This describes the folks in Hertfordshire if they think they have a really good idea. Flow Signals is a bizarre creation to improve traffic safety but even I think this is a bizarre attempt to have something on the road so someone can be a millionaire. I don't know where folks like these come from sometimes. The website is worst if anyone wants to use a google search to see it.

Sunday 28 June 2015

The Trials' Series Success

There hasn't been a Java game that has proved so popular that it got made much better and made for consoles. Most of the time, if not all the time, the games were made in Flash and later made for consoles or handhelds. In Java's case, there are been a game, and that game is the Trial series.

 Trials is a 2002 2D side scrolling motorsports game, where the player would take control of a sport's bike and complete an course involving ramps and jumps. The character can get knocked off the sport's bike and is forced to restart the course. When in 2002, I've had a group of old friend who would play this game on the computers in the class, as they did a computer course, as they didn't have much to do. It was great fun trying out the courses and etc. Now-a-days, the game is a pain to access because it requires Java as the entire world is relying on Abode Flash to run browser based games and a much more pain trying to get rid of the block that Java themselves have placed onto the game.

The success of the game later made the game to follow with sequels and a release on Flash and also a spin-offs on the Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and PC with Trials Fusions, so it's worth checking out to see how far the game has got in terms of visuals and gameplay and makes it much of a great success of a game that started on the internet and made it's way onto other platforms.

Monday 1 June 2015

Alien Hominid Still Makes My Day

Game Link:

I don't know what a Hominid is... it's clearly just a made up word. This flash game was impressive during the time of it's release and it is does today. Coming from a place that been taken over by something as popular like Youtube, newgrounds was a place where Flash animators could express themselves and vent in a form of cartoons and I do believe some artists who made their career as a flash artist, use this website too and they get featured time to time on the frontpage.

Alien Hominid caught the interest of console developers and a console edition of the game was made for the PlayStation 2, GameCube and Xbox.

The game popularity was huge that a European team also made a Gameboy Advance version, where people from North America have to import to experience that version of the game.

The team who made the console version of the team named The Behoemoh still made games and given Alien Hominid an HD update of the game, so it's nice to keep this game around, to look back how well they put their game together.

Sunday 31 May 2015

Compilation Titles on Blu Ray Gives Confusing Feedback on PS3

Sony has been under fire for a lot of things recently, from being careless because of the PSN and North Korean hack and their low reasons of not refunding and shutting down victims accounts when they get their credit cards charged after a hack to another account, for example.

Now you can add how they dis-manage their Blu Ray icons on compilation titles on the PlayStation 3 on the list. The PlayStation 3 has an operating system software which allows them to make use of the PlayStation itself.

With this, they really show off with the software can do. What usually makes sense is the fact that you pop in a disc and the PlayStation will show up, telling you if you inserted the type of disc, which it does well for two decades. You place a DVD in a PlayStation 2, the PlayStation 2 menu will display a DVD. A non-readable disc can be displayed telling the user that the disc can't be read too.

The confusion appears, when these compilation titles come out with more then one game or titles that have extras on them, that make use of the user interface however they mess up the entire layout by displaying two Blu Ray icons. They will make the system have two discs appear when I inserted one disc. Each icon is either the game or a sub-menu displaying the extras from the disc, which you may never see again, which is confusing and it messes up the presentation for their system.

They usually come from games that have extras boarded onto them, like multiple of games, because usually the developers aren't bothered about making the extra main menu screen for their games, polishing their own main menu. Instead, what I'm left with, is a system that looks and seems confused and I don't like that. Sony doesn't seem to care. I seriously think Sony should take more pride in how they communicate their Blu Rays on the PS3.

Sunday 24 May 2015

My Thoughts on Doodle Jump Adventures

Having played Doodle Jump Adventures for the 3DS which I got far enough to see the gameplay and stages this weekend. I was impressed with the way the game uses the motion sensors in the 3DS to move the character, named the Doodler in the game. Which first appeared on the iPhone and Android devices around 2009/10, the Doodler jumps in a series of vertical set stages by using platforms and must reach the top to complete each stage.

The game has ink drawing graphics laid out on grid like paper, hence it was towards the name Doodle Jump. The character must avoids, holes in the paper and enemies which prevent him from reaching the top.  The game doesn't get boring however! The game is split between 4 zones, these are named Classic, Ninja, Jungle and Space worlds, which offer different types of hazards and enemies and make the game alot more interesting to play and look at. It is a bit funny seeing the Doodle get hit by really clumsy looking creatures. The game is really challenging despite it's simple look.

The game is available on some handheld devices, the Nintendo DS and 3DS and there's even a reward redemption game found in the arcades, going to show that the creators really want to push this out to say this game has got alot to offer, which is why I give it a mention.

Tuesday 19 May 2015

Vision GT is Coming Along Nicely!

Vision GT is coming along nicely! What started as a feature which no spaces, as a long line of vehicles where the player can view and purchase the Vision GT selection of cars. However there are clearly some surprises such as seeing Nike's vision vehicle to see what they have in mind and also Alfo Romeo have withdrew from Vision GT. There's alot more to see within Gran Turismo 6.

Saturday 18 April 2015 Looks Like A Search Engine

The UK Government Website looking more like a search engine on it's own, except that it advertises all the services folks want to live their life. It's a bit scary. If anyone remembers the Yahoo Directories which were shut down last year, this website looks more like what Yahoo tired to offer and isn't going to be gone for a long time.

I miss Yahoo's Directory's but to replace my memories with something like this gives me room to say to myself, I think I should move on and live my life a bit.

Thursday 9 April 2015

Nintendo Removing ROMs From Websites!

While the news of Nintendo taking revenue from Youtube partners who are making movies of Nintendo content using copyright laws present, the emulation community

For me, I have nothing to hide or haven't really done anything wrong but this still effects me because I contribute in gaming in various ways, however this move from Nintendo got me interested. I always buy my games and play them on the hardware that I always buy and talk about it.

ROMs and Emulators have been around for over two decades. It's been on the internet hosting various websites since I've started visiting the websites. It isn't just what going on at Youtube with Nintendo's way of having people share what they see in terms of content in there video games.

Nintendo is the first company (or from what I believe) to enforce a copyright notice against websites hosting ROM dumps from their video games. Here's a copyright notice from a website where the Nintendo list of games used to be.

It's clear Nintendo have a plan and are finding ways on removing content relating or extracted from any of their video games or games that run on their hardware anywhere on the Internet.

... and there's a webpage from Nintendo addressing the legality of ROM dumps from Nintendo hardware:

The next question is...are the other companies such as Sony, Sega and even SNK going to follow?

It's also worth mentioning Microsoft hasn't got any pirates against them who have dumped Microsoft console game data anywhere on the Internet because of the security placed in their game discs.

Sunday 22 March 2015

Blog Theme Change!

I've decided to change the blog color scheme from the Black dark feel to a more white feel with blue color to cover the font. I'm saving the dark feel for some other time. I'm going to put the dark feel in some the blog!

Thursday 19 March 2015

80s Cambridge and Their Computer Revolution

Today, I wanna talk about 80s Cambridge in England, not that I'm running out of website to review, there's loads of websites for me to review. I actually want to talk about one of the more interesting things I've gathered up and that's the computer think-tanks and manufacturing force from Cambridge during the 80s. I'll just type these bizarre and heavily focused articles once in a while.

Where did this start? I was doing research on computer hardware over the years and the Spectrum and Acorn Hardware popped up. I was reading their wiki pages and found they had something in common, they were based in Cambridge in some point.

Sinclair was actually founded in Cambridge however they relocated their headquarter into London. They still carry that really intellect experience with them into London. A nice trait of intelligence that it's can freely can be carried around.

Anyways, I don't know what happened to Acorn. Maybe after Microsoft offered their OS system, people went into Microsoft's way of getting a computer software along with hardware and Acorn were struggling to get into the market and it ended for them in the year 2000. That's competition I suppose. A bit depressing if anyone was a big fan of Acorn,because they were the leaders of computers during the 80s and early 90s. It's nice to knowthat the OS for the Acorn is still around, the RISC OS.

Sinclair's hardware on the other hand was a different story, they went out there to make a bike, which is bizarre and went out of the way to ditch the computer business. That's a story for another time. They later sold the Spectrum trademark to another person to continue and it lost it's value when computers and their software from the United Stated show off what can be done which out the ZX Spectrum to shame. More on this another time.

Cambridge do make video games but that's really all they can do now days. That's all I can say about it for now.

Now Cambridge still brags about how 'culture' their town is, a town that people don't want to live in, which has a population of 100,000, compared to many other cities around the UK, that has alot more.Some places London have loads more then that. I think Cambridge is over-hyped and show off and when they burn out, they know and it all becomes a con-game for them and it's certainly put me off using computers for a while with the amazing stuff they had at the time. I suppose I'll have to sort that out and think that out for some time.

Monday 16 March 2015

Fun With Google Search Looking at GT6's Updates

Searching for Gran Turismo 6 updates news on Google News search is fun. When I was 18 or 19, when I bought and played Gran Turismo 4, I was amazed with the realism and how so much content appeared in the game. It wasn't never boring but I do compared it with the content on the Internet for it's realism, due to the fact that the game has real cars, tracks and other amazing features that make the game so real.

As it turns out, the realism in the game and the updates in Gran Turismo 6 are almost as real as the news given out and reported online. During the Google search function, it's nice to see how news appears in the results, seeing how the developers of the game are handing out news of the game to have players run back for more. Apparently it's not as good as Polyphony Digital does release content without reporting it, as they did that with the Mazda Vision GT concept on Christmas Day, but with the idea of using the google search engine for such updates, it's fun to say at least.

Sunday 8 March 2015

Sega Japan's Website Review

I've never actively looked on the Sega of Japan's website. Despite being a Sega fan myself, I wouldn't take a look at the website, because so many other people are doing it and sharing the news but I suppose that's why they spread the news, because it keeps them into work. Sega of Japan website looks bizarrely like many other video game websites out there, with the baby blue or spearmint border or windows, representing what someone could go out there and get for their consoles. Must be a common trend in gaming.

Friday 20 February 2015 Website review

Japan makes the best video games, it's no surprise consider that they are called Japan however sometimes I wonder the really cool the trivia can become from the games industry there, so that's when comes in. is a Japanese only website for all the video games ever released. The interest is so strong that it's almost littered and overcrowded with information of their games. Sometimes it's only geared towards Japan. I've found concept art posted onto the website of games that have never been released in the West, which is worth the website viewing. There are also PC games that make me wonder why they even made them. This is because Japan isn't into PC or computers games. They love consoles over PC and Microsoft, which is why it's interesting to look at. I'll tell people to pop over to website and find the differences for themselves.

Tuesday 17 February 2015

SNK Playmore Website Review

I've always followed SNK Playmore's website. Since I started using the internet back in 1999 and was downloading the Neo Geo ROM software to run with the emulator, it always made me visit the SNK Playmore website. Baring ROMs is illegal unless it was dumped by the user itself, which is another story.

Anyways, that urge got the better of me, so all the internet talk of the new release of SNK's games, such as SNK vs Capcom Chaos, Metal Slug 5 or Samurai Showdown X or whatever, made me hunt for people who would dump the ROMs however I knew about the official releases because of the SNK Playmore website and then see what everyone is talking about in fighting video game forums and etc. The website had really colorful graphics and art work, that make it appealing for my generation at the time, which is what I liked the most. I know I wasn't the only one. SNK always pumped out artwork upon artwork of their colorful world, which always prompted me to go back. I knew about the releases because of the main website, which is why I've always visited and never stop since.

It's nice that they continue making games for the handhelds or mobiles, knowing this by visiting the website and checking the latest news. Not that I should be learning Japanese because the Google translator takes the text into English.

Not that I'll be into downloading the ROMs, because that measures to piracy and clearly that's what they want me to do. That is to download their stuff and make me feel bad for me to buy it, seeing that I am done with ROMs. Website wise, it's nice that this big, long standing company has a website which represents them with the colorful graphics, artwork and product information for both Japanese and Western English speaking audiences. It's standard for anyone to take their time until they release the information of the products and publish them on their website.

Monday 19 January 2015

No Surprise Microsoft Are Rebranding Their Internet Explorer!

Should I be surprised that Microsoft is rebranding and redeveloping their Internet Explorer? Over the decade, the 2nd browser wars, as the first war was between Netscape and Internet Explorer, which Internet Explorer won by default. The 2nd Browser wars is because Google's Chrome, Firefox and a whole bunch of other smaller browsers. They were all known because people just didn't like Internet Explorer, as Internet Explorer was built in with Windows and etc.

It's as browsers now a days are a everyday essential software but people must be aware that it's a choice to use a browser, not a must have packaged in Windows software. Even the infamous pirate bay has even taken the time to offer people a web browser to get around the 'problems' that people face when downloading illegal contents.

Some of Microsoft products last extremely long, I haven't even finished Age of Empires 2 yet and that's a massive computer game, I think Microsoft has accepted that browsers are part of everyday life in the internet and it shares the massive statement if they are going out of the way to re-brand their explorer to enter the market of internet explorers like Chrome and Firefox.

Wednesday 7 January 2015

Five E-Services Which Could Go Retail in Future

After news that Amazon is openning a retail store in New York, I started to wonder which other major online services will do the same thing within the future.

PlayStation Store

Sony already has stores around the world. It should be no surprise that the PlayStation Store service that can be seen and used from people's PlayStation 3 and 4, to the point where it would be popular enough in the future, for Sony to start setting up stores just focused entirely on gaming. The PlayStation already is doing everything they can to make the PlayStation worth while. Japan, let along Sony always relied on exports for business to date, Sony, being the only Japanese company on this list, is more likely going to retail from an E-Service found on people's PlayStation.


Facebook is already working on the Ocolus Rift after the buy out. Also the Facebook Phone which never taken off was made, so it makes me wonder where Facebook will take the data and start inviting new stuff to the point where they would open a story in their own city, New York. Facebook has always faced with some messy business and everyone wants in, so it's worth thinking about.


The amount of record contacts that MySpaces has made is something. Maybe not enough of it but maybe in the future, they get the music business mixed with the internet figured out to the point where everyone is buying singles. Of course, there's already a bunch of popularity there, with artists already getting record deals and selling their singles and albums. MySpace is one to look into it, to check some interest, where they will open their own record store.


AOL have been around long enough and being a nationwide service for boardband, they're not afraid to sample out content from time to time. AOL has been offering exclusive services for the most part however this has always been swept under the rug and forgotten about, (like Magestorm) compared to their CDs they were carpet bombing too much anyone that got their hands on a few, if not one.

AOL may one day united all of the United States of America internet and produce something more then just a  annoying CD promoting their service, to the point where they have to open a store. AOL is that powerful to do so.


Major sucking up when I say and post this. Clearly Google has their Androids smartphones out, Their Google Glasses and smart smoke alarms in the future and who knows if they start selling on the spot lottery tickets.

Don't let the Youtube April Fools on DVDs get to you. It's actually possible for someone to become successful enough to have their own DVD series, just not like the April Fools joke described it, for it not to let it happen.

Google in the future is something that no one knows, but with their current product line up, it makes you wonder how they are going to make the most out of their resources.

This is just a start of physical stores. It shouldn't be a surprise if the Internet is going to slowly change our lifestyle and be known. It's something worth thinking about if Amazon has openned their first store in New York.