Friday 20 February 2015 Website review

Japan makes the best video games, it's no surprise consider that they are called Japan however sometimes I wonder the really cool the trivia can become from the games industry there, so that's when comes in. is a Japanese only website for all the video games ever released. The interest is so strong that it's almost littered and overcrowded with information of their games. Sometimes it's only geared towards Japan. I've found concept art posted onto the website of games that have never been released in the West, which is worth the website viewing. There are also PC games that make me wonder why they even made them. This is because Japan isn't into PC or computers games. They love consoles over PC and Microsoft, which is why it's interesting to look at. I'll tell people to pop over to website and find the differences for themselves.

Tuesday 17 February 2015

SNK Playmore Website Review

I've always followed SNK Playmore's website. Since I started using the internet back in 1999 and was downloading the Neo Geo ROM software to run with the emulator, it always made me visit the SNK Playmore website. Baring ROMs is illegal unless it was dumped by the user itself, which is another story.

Anyways, that urge got the better of me, so all the internet talk of the new release of SNK's games, such as SNK vs Capcom Chaos, Metal Slug 5 or Samurai Showdown X or whatever, made me hunt for people who would dump the ROMs however I knew about the official releases because of the SNK Playmore website and then see what everyone is talking about in fighting video game forums and etc. The website had really colorful graphics and art work, that make it appealing for my generation at the time, which is what I liked the most. I know I wasn't the only one. SNK always pumped out artwork upon artwork of their colorful world, which always prompted me to go back. I knew about the releases because of the main website, which is why I've always visited and never stop since.

It's nice that they continue making games for the handhelds or mobiles, knowing this by visiting the website and checking the latest news. Not that I should be learning Japanese because the Google translator takes the text into English.

Not that I'll be into downloading the ROMs, because that measures to piracy and clearly that's what they want me to do. That is to download their stuff and make me feel bad for me to buy it, seeing that I am done with ROMs. Website wise, it's nice that this big, long standing company has a website which represents them with the colorful graphics, artwork and product information for both Japanese and Western English speaking audiences. It's standard for anyone to take their time until they release the information of the products and publish them on their website.