Saturday 18 April 2015 Looks Like A Search Engine

The UK Government Website looking more like a search engine on it's own, except that it advertises all the services folks want to live their life. It's a bit scary. If anyone remembers the Yahoo Directories which were shut down last year, this website looks more like what Yahoo tired to offer and isn't going to be gone for a long time.

I miss Yahoo's Directory's but to replace my memories with something like this gives me room to say to myself, I think I should move on and live my life a bit.

Thursday 9 April 2015

Nintendo Removing ROMs From Websites!

While the news of Nintendo taking revenue from Youtube partners who are making movies of Nintendo content using copyright laws present, the emulation community

For me, I have nothing to hide or haven't really done anything wrong but this still effects me because I contribute in gaming in various ways, however this move from Nintendo got me interested. I always buy my games and play them on the hardware that I always buy and talk about it.

ROMs and Emulators have been around for over two decades. It's been on the internet hosting various websites since I've started visiting the websites. It isn't just what going on at Youtube with Nintendo's way of having people share what they see in terms of content in there video games.

Nintendo is the first company (or from what I believe) to enforce a copyright notice against websites hosting ROM dumps from their video games. Here's a copyright notice from a website where the Nintendo list of games used to be.

It's clear Nintendo have a plan and are finding ways on removing content relating or extracted from any of their video games or games that run on their hardware anywhere on the Internet.

... and there's a webpage from Nintendo addressing the legality of ROM dumps from Nintendo hardware:

The next question is...are the other companies such as Sony, Sega and even SNK going to follow?

It's also worth mentioning Microsoft hasn't got any pirates against them who have dumped Microsoft console game data anywhere on the Internet because of the security placed in their game discs.