Sunday 31 May 2015

Compilation Titles on Blu Ray Gives Confusing Feedback on PS3

Sony has been under fire for a lot of things recently, from being careless because of the PSN and North Korean hack and their low reasons of not refunding and shutting down victims accounts when they get their credit cards charged after a hack to another account, for example.

Now you can add how they dis-manage their Blu Ray icons on compilation titles on the PlayStation 3 on the list. The PlayStation 3 has an operating system software which allows them to make use of the PlayStation itself.

With this, they really show off with the software can do. What usually makes sense is the fact that you pop in a disc and the PlayStation will show up, telling you if you inserted the type of disc, which it does well for two decades. You place a DVD in a PlayStation 2, the PlayStation 2 menu will display a DVD. A non-readable disc can be displayed telling the user that the disc can't be read too.

The confusion appears, when these compilation titles come out with more then one game or titles that have extras on them, that make use of the user interface however they mess up the entire layout by displaying two Blu Ray icons. They will make the system have two discs appear when I inserted one disc. Each icon is either the game or a sub-menu displaying the extras from the disc, which you may never see again, which is confusing and it messes up the presentation for their system.

They usually come from games that have extras boarded onto them, like multiple of games, because usually the developers aren't bothered about making the extra main menu screen for their games, polishing their own main menu. Instead, what I'm left with, is a system that looks and seems confused and I don't like that. Sony doesn't seem to care. I seriously think Sony should take more pride in how they communicate their Blu Rays on the PS3.

Sunday 24 May 2015

My Thoughts on Doodle Jump Adventures

Having played Doodle Jump Adventures for the 3DS which I got far enough to see the gameplay and stages this weekend. I was impressed with the way the game uses the motion sensors in the 3DS to move the character, named the Doodler in the game. Which first appeared on the iPhone and Android devices around 2009/10, the Doodler jumps in a series of vertical set stages by using platforms and must reach the top to complete each stage.

The game has ink drawing graphics laid out on grid like paper, hence it was towards the name Doodle Jump. The character must avoids, holes in the paper and enemies which prevent him from reaching the top.  The game doesn't get boring however! The game is split between 4 zones, these are named Classic, Ninja, Jungle and Space worlds, which offer different types of hazards and enemies and make the game alot more interesting to play and look at. It is a bit funny seeing the Doodle get hit by really clumsy looking creatures. The game is really challenging despite it's simple look.

The game is available on some handheld devices, the Nintendo DS and 3DS and there's even a reward redemption game found in the arcades, going to show that the creators really want to push this out to say this game has got alot to offer, which is why I give it a mention.

Tuesday 19 May 2015

Vision GT is Coming Along Nicely!

Vision GT is coming along nicely! What started as a feature which no spaces, as a long line of vehicles where the player can view and purchase the Vision GT selection of cars. However there are clearly some surprises such as seeing Nike's vision vehicle to see what they have in mind and also Alfo Romeo have withdrew from Vision GT. There's alot more to see within Gran Turismo 6.